Debs Crafty Creations

Debs Crafty Creations
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Sunday 3 March 2013

Drum `N` Base

Happy Sunday morning, hope you all have lovely things planned. I `m off to Ipswich with the hubby & our youngest daughter to visit friends, & they`re cooking a roast dinner for us.....Yayyyyyy no cooking for me today

We`re going as it`s our friend Johnny`s birthday so taking his card & prezzie. I`m so pleased with his card because as you all know!! Mens cards can be very difficult. Johnny is heavily into Drum `n` Base so i knew i had to do something with music...This is it! hope you like it 

The images are from google & i played about with them in my scrapbook factory
& wrote Johnny`s name through the middle

Had to include some decks as he`s a DJ

The backing paper is from Kanban
& i added some matt black gems 
& some black border peel offs for some interest 


jane stillman said...

Wow! what a absolutely fabulous card - fabulous images and colourway

Anonymous said...

Fantastic card hun, brilliant. Enjoy your day, its great when you havent got to cook lol xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

This is fabby hun, love the image and the fantastic papers
Lindsay xx

Linda Simpson said...

This is brilliant I love all the papers and the design is stunning.

Linda xxx

PinkyLisasInkyCrafts said...

What a brilliant card. This would be perfect for a teenager of any gender (we all know how hard they are to make for).
Love the image and the papers and the layout suits it very well :-)

Hugs Lisa xxxxx

Tammy said...

Fab card, love the image you've created and your backing paper xx

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