Debs Crafty Creations

Debs Crafty Creations
Thank you for visiting me in Blogland. I love having all my crafty friends & equally love making new friends. I get so much enjoyment from reading all your comments & would love it if you followed my blog.........You can never have enough crafty friends xxxxx


Monday 28 January 2013

Just for mum

Happy Monday everyone...My mum always told me `get through Monday & the rest of the weeks a breeze` lol. Hope your all happy crafters & crafting lots of lovely creations. I have a very busy week with card orders so will try & post a make everyday. I`m still very new to this blogging milarky, so had a play around & changed a few bits, hope you like my new set up, i love reading all your lovely comments & would love it if you followed as well....Lots of crafty love Debs xxx

Thought i`d share a card i made for Mother`s Day made from Kanbans Language of flower kit...Hope you like it xx

This is a centre stepper card which i have turned the other way, it works really well & stands much more sturdier 


Doreen said...

This is gorgeous, such a lovely

Linda Simpson said...

I love this very much and I am sure any mother will love to receive this for Mother's Day.

Linda xxx

Unknown said...

Gorgeous card Debs, took a minute to work out how to leave a comment, LOL, but I got there...and your Mum is correct....xxxxx

Unknown said...

This is beautiful . I love the way you have designed the layout xx

Andree said...

A wonderful card, I love the soft tones and sentiment x

Anonymous said...

Stunning design hun, I love it xx

Lindsay Craftymonster81 said...

Really beautiful and elegant, I love those flourishes in the silver
Lindsay xx

jane stillman said...

A gorgeous card, and great idea to turn it on it's side

mags said...

A beautiful card. Love all the detail and a great idea to turn the card this way.

Mrs O crafty blog said...

Really pretty card.. Love the colours and layout Px

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